DakshIIoT magnifies your Overall Equipment Effectiveness by improving the Availability, Performance, and Quality scores. It keeps you informed thereby preventing unplanned stops, decreasing slow cycles and reducing defects.

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Digital Transformation – Automated Workflows

WWW (Water, Wind, & Work) should flow uninterrupted and as smoothly as possible. At DakshIIoT, we help you see a new D.A.W.N. by Digitizing & Automating Workflows Naturally. This new D.A.W.N. helps in reducing human errors and improving product quality.

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Condition Based Monitoring (CBM)

Using DakshIIoT, your systems can be monitored & vetted thoroughly for V.E.T (Vibrations, Electricals, Temperatures) to sense and predict any maintenance issues with your plant or machinery thus preventing breakdowns.

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Assets Health Monitoring – Transformers

A transformer is a critical component that has a major role in the power delivery system. DakshIIoT helps in 24x7 monitoring of transformers with real time updates about electrical parameters, oil temperatures, winding temperatures, Oil Levels, Buchholz relay status, Bushing temperatures, etc.

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Quality Inspection

Quality Inspection at the end of production line ensures that your customer get 100% defect free product. This is the final filtration stage which plays most important role for brand image, happy customers and lower warranty costs.

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Energy Management

In large factories, energy is often wasted in operations / processes that can be avoided or redesigned. Because of lack of properly coordinated data, facility managers are unaware of energy consumption patterns.

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Transformer Monitoring

Transformers are vital assets in our factories or in the power delivery system. Even a small breakdown of any transformer can disrupt the delivery and distribution of power for hours or days resulting in loss of revenue.

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Planning tool is a dedicated module for efficient planning of test facilities. Test facilities are really expensive resources which need to be utilized to their maximum potential.

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Process Prahari

All production processes need to maintain their critical parameters within limits w.r.t Set point. What if SET POINT itself is changed to a non desired value?

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Driven By Values, Delivering On A Vision.